The multi-language platform “LearnBig” was developed as part of the UNESCO Bangkok’s initiative “Mobile Literacy for Out-of-School Children” supported by Microsoft, True Corporation, POSCO 1% Foundation and the Ministry of Education, Thailand.
The multi-language platform “LearnBig” was developed as part of the UNESCO Bangkok’s initiative “Mobile Literacy for Out-of-School Children” supported by Microsoft, True Corporation, POSCO 1% Foundation and the Ministry of Education, Thailand.
ဘာသာစကားေပါင္းစံုေဖာ္ျပရာေနရာ “LearnBig” ကို ထိုင္းနိုင္ငံပညာေရးဝန္ၾကီးဌာန၊ ထရူးေကာ္ပိုေရးရွင္းနွင့္ မိုက္ခရိုေဆာ့မွ ေထာက္ပံ့သည့္ယူနက္စကိုဘန္ေကာက္၏ ကနဦးအစီအစဥ္“ေက်ာင္းျပင္ပေရာက္ကေလးမ်ားအတြက္ မိုဘိုင္းစာတတ္ေျမာက္ေရး”၏တစ္စိတ္တစ္ပိုင္းအျဖစ္ ပ်ိဳးေထာင္ခဲ့ပါသည္။
The project aims to enhance basic literacy and numeracy skills of over 5,500 migrant, ethnic minority, stateless and marginalized children along the Thai-Myanmar border, harnessing the use of ICT and mobile learning (tablet preloaded with “LearnBig” app, satellite TV and internet). More than 230 teachers are currently benefitted from the app.
The project aims to enhance basic literacy and numeracy skills of over 5,500 migrant, ethnic minority, stateless and marginalized children along the Thai-Myanmar border, harnessing the use of ICT and mobile learning (tablet preloaded with “LearnBig” app, satellite TV and internet). More than 230 teachers are currently benefitted from the app.
ယင္းစီမံကိန္းသည္ “LearnBig” app ၾကိဳတင္ထည့္သြင္းထားသည့္ Tablet ၊ အင္တာနက္၊ ၿဂိဳလ္တုတီဗီနွင့္ အက္ပလီေကးရွင္းပါဝင္ထည့္သြင္းျပီး) မိုဘိုင္းဖုန္းျဖင့္ေလ့လာသင္ၾကားျခင္းနွင့္အိုင္စီတီအသံုးျပဳမႈကို စြမ္းအားတစ္ခုအျဖစ္ေမာင္းနွင္အသံုးခ်ကာ ေရႊ႕ေျပာင္းသြားလာသူ ၅ ၅၀၀ေက်ာ္ ၊ တုိင္းရင္းသားလူနည္းစုမ်ား၊ ထုိင္း-ျမန္မာနယ္စပ္တစ္ေလွ်ာက္ရွိ နုိင္ငံမဲ့နွင့္ အပယ္ခံကေလးမ်ား၏ အေျခခံစာတတ္ေျမာက္မႈနွင့္ ဂဏန္းသခ်ာၤတြက္ခ်က္မႈစြမ္းရည္မ်ား တိုးတက္လာေစရန္ ရည္ရြယ္ပါသည္။ လက္ရွိတြင္ ဆရာ/ဆရာမ ၂၃၀ ေက်ာ္က ယင္းအက္ပလီေကးရွင္းမွတစ္ဆင့္ ကူညီသင္ၾကားေပးပါသည္။

Key Features
- Open E-books and E-texts for unreached children to Learn Big !
- Over 700 educational resources in Thai and Myanmar languages
- Download books, comics, government textbooks, teacher’s guides, exercises and multimedia resources
- All books were categorized according to levels of literacy proficiencies
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