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Asset 2
Asset 2
စရိုက်လက္ခဏာများနှင့် ကျွမ်းကျင်မှု ဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုးတက်ရေး
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10 Skills that should be stopped if you want to be rich
If you want to be rich, make sure you always develop your skills and ability. Knowledge is the power to help you go beyond feafulness.
If you want to be rich, make sure you always develop your skills and ability....
Charming can be created.
Pratices make better progress and lead to be confident.
Pratices make better progress and lead to be confident.
Raise a child as normal kid.
Everyone is not perfect, we have stregth and weakness, both sides need acception.
Everyone is not perfect, we have stregth and weakness, both sides need accept...
Don't be afraid of criticism, life is short. Therefore be...
Don't be afraid of criticism, life is short. Therefore be brave for what you love.
Don't be afraid of criticism, life is short. Therefore be brave for what you ...
(English) 3 ways to teach kid
How to keep children waiting, rewarding patience, teaching patience
How to keep children waiting, rewarding patience, teaching patience
Our life is a huge map, we have so many changable directions we aim to acheive. To have a meaningful life, only thing that shouldn't change is "TO TAKE ACTIONS". BE BRAVE, BE BOLD, CREATE IMPACT TO PEOPLE AROUND YOU. The power of ACTION is to utilize all power in you towards goals. DO YOUR BEST.
Our life is a huge map, we have so many changable directions we aim to acheiv...
Emotionally Stable/Patient
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(English) How to practice patience?(TH)
Why do we have to be patient? How can we overcome impatience and tackle the root causes?
Why do we have to be patient? How can we overcome impatience and tackle the r...
(English) What is patience?
What is patience?
What is patience?
Fail For Success.
How much do you care about the problem that you are tackling? If you care enough, you never stop finding out what works well regardless of how many times you have to fail on it.
How much do you care about the problem that you are tackling? If you care eno...
When you feel sorrow, stop for a while and ask yourself t...
If we think about 'the past', we feel sorrow. If we think about 'the future', we will concern. Therefore 'Be here' in the present and ask yourself where is your hand now? You will focus only this moment. Be thankful for the present time.
If we think about 'the past', we feel sorrow. If we think about 'the future',...
Behaiour that needs to be changed.
"To keep our promise-do what we said- is the most important. If you can't put your focus from all of your heart to your work, don't do it. You are ready when your heart is ready. "
"To keep our promise-do what we said- is the most important. If you can't p...
(English) 3 ways to teach kid
How to keep children waiting, rewarding patience, teaching patience
How to keep children waiting, rewarding patience, teaching patience
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(English) How to have self-reliant?(TH)
How to have self-reliant?(TH)
How to have self-reliant?(TH)
(English) Talk with Ann Thong Prason: The real life of Su...
The video traces the life of Anne Thong Pasom. She was born as a poor girl. She needs to work after school to sustain her family before becoming the Superstar.
The video traces the life of Anne Thong Pasom. She was born as a poor girl. S...
(English) 10 powerful converstion starters to engage kid ...
A template and suggested question for Parents, Teacher to ask their children about their past experiences which indirectly boost their self-reliant
A template and suggested question for Parents, Teacher to ask their children ...
Change, Together We can.
We all can learn from each other but the change has to be start by yourself not others. The scriest thing is we don't know what we don't know so we don't know. Learning from others to realize ourself is one way to cope with it.
We all can learn from each other but the change has to be start by yourself n...
When someone put down on you, show them how wrong are they.
Don't focus on what you don't have, see your potential in what you have.
Don't focus on what you don't have, see your potential in what you have.
Despite born armless, a strong heart boy always has a big...
"When we have self-reliant, even when life always gives us challenge, we can overcome all obstracles. "
"When we have self-reliant, even when life always gives us challenge, we ca...
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To you, whose identity is lost.
"What happened to you, the person who you were, it was the best. You look good as they were. The moment that you feel you can't be yourself because 1. you keep comparing yourself to another. and 2.You don't satisfy of what you have. "
"What happened to you, the person who you were, it was the best. You look goo...
What is Love yourself?
Everyone has their own value and there's no one but you who needs to see it with your own eyes.
Everyone has their own value and there's no one but you who needs to see it w...
The happiness will come..
"Don't compare yoursef with others, do your best in what you have and put effort in what you want. Everything is uncertainty, it will too shall pass either happiness or sadness."
"Don't compare yoursef with others, do your best in what you have and put e...
Get along well with others
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(English) Important Interpersonal Skills That Employers V...
What are skills that employers looking for? Some tips for the interview.
What are skills that employers looking for? Some tips for the interview.
(English) How to build human relations (TH)
How to strengthen human relations and start to approach people?
How to strengthen human relations and start to approach people?
(English) Developing interpersonal skills
Animation shows 2 People having different skills in Verbal communication, Non-verbal communication , Negotiation,Listening skills, Assertiveness, Problem-solving, Decision-making. One with a good attitude while the other always think negatively and do not accept other people's thought which yield different results in working performance
Animation shows 2 People having different skills in Verbal communication, Non...
The weapons to build up your relationship with others.
"Shrine your brigthness to others, give people spotlight, make them feel important. Be interested in what your friends are trying to tell you. Make people around you feel they have got the shining light from you. Your relationship with them will defenitely become better."
"Shrine your brigthness to others, give people spotlight, make them feel impo...
Because we don't listen to anyone therefore no one listen...
Learning together is the best way to understand your partner. Create open working environment using Language of humanity-listening to other story and being ready to share your own with nonjudgement.
Learning together is the best way to understand your partner. Create open wor...
How to work with people and make people love you.
It's hard to change people around you, why don't we change ourself instead.
It's hard to change people around you, why don't we change ourself instead.
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Don't need to chage others but to understand.
The closer we are, the more we have to take care and have empathy for others.
The closer we are, the more we have to take care and have empathy for others.
(English) How to be compassioate for yourself(TH)
How to be kind and accept yourself? There is no bad experience, if you look in a new way
How to be kind and accept yourself? There is no bad experience, if you look i...
(English) Sharing Cookies(Animation)
Sharing Cookies(Animation)
Sharing Cookies(Animation)
(English) Empathic Communication(TH)
" What is Empathic Communication? Communication is not just speak,but non-verbal coomunication. We need to understand how others look at the world in different aspects and try to accept this diversity"
" What is Empathic Communication? Communication is not just speak,but non-ver...
Don't make honesty of love in one person to be a miracle ...
Love is the most uncertainty in the world likewise life. Therefore taking care of people who are around you, regardless of either life or love is ended first. Do your best in everyday life.
Love is the most uncertainty in the world likewise life. Therefore taking car...
When we look happy doesn't mean that deep inside we are.
"Take care of people who surround you. Don't take them for granted. Happiness can be shared starting from ourselves."
"Take care of people who surround you. Don't take them for granted. Happine...
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The meaningful of life-the lesson from the little princes...
Good Relationship, having Goals and the way you tell your stories to yourself are the way to realize 'the meaningful of life'
Good Relationship, having Goals and the way you tell your stories to yourself...
"The real stories from BNK fanclub who fight for their di...
"Fanclub got inspirations to continue living because they see all teenagers' efforts, BNK. BNK group they pratice dancing for 8-10 hours everyday proving that when we try our best, our efforts will never let us down. "
"Fanclub got inspirations to continue living because they see all teenagers...
Nick Vujicic-don't give up.
"It's not the end until you gave up, there's always HOPE when we don't give up because when we don't give in, you will find the way."
"It's not the end until you gave up, there's always HOPE when we don't give u...
(English) 50 sentences for inspiration
50 Sentences from the world-famous figures to succeed
50 Sentences from the world-famous figures to succeed
(English) Positive thinking VS Negative thinking(TH)
How to find a solution for yourself? When/How to think positively and deal with the reality, not to imagine things.
How to find a solution for yourself? When/How to think positively and deal wi...
(English) The Optimist vs The Pessimist
"A story of a man in a time-less struggle against optimism vs pessimism."
"A story of a man in a time-less struggle against optimism vs pessimism."
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The successful people think like this
Success people always have a long plan. They can answer how they see themselves in five to ten years while poor people have short plan, only a day. In addition, the rich is good at reading people's mind and it's the root principle to understand customers.
Success people always have a long plan. They can answer how they see themselv...
Nike Dream Crazy.
Don't ask if your dream are crazy, ask is it crazy enough and it is only crazy until you make it.
Don't ask if your dream are crazy, ask is it crazy enough and it is only craz...
Why you should get out of your COMFORT ZONE.
Accomplishment by getting out of your comfort zone, there're-not secret- 3 formulas. First Set an aim, Second: asking question-why do we do it? and Third; Having an attempt towards goal.
Accomplishment by getting out of your comfort zone, there're-not secret- 3 fo...
If you are tired, try running another step.
"If you are tired, it's a sign that you are going to FIND new things so DON'T STOP"
"If you are tired, it's a sign that you are going to FIND new things so D...
(English) This Simple Trick Will Motivate You For Life (A...
Animated Story -A story of Leo who was in Poverty, he was motivated because he had to survive. He had studied really hard before he succeeded in tourism industry
Animated Story -A story of Leo who was in Poverty, he was motivated because h...
(English) 4 Simple Tricks to Stay Motivated Every Day
4 simple tricks to stay motivated every day. If you are looking to lose weight, work out, stay in school or any other goal, you have to know the secret to self motivation. This psychological concept is tricky, but you can master it! This can help you study and do well in any field!
4 simple tricks to stay motivated every day. If you are looking to lose weig...