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Asset 2
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Digital School
Digital School (FEB-JUN 2022)
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Asset 2
Asset 2
စရိုက်လက္ခဏာများနှင့် ကျွမ်းကျင်မှု ဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုးတက်ရေး
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How to find our passion?
"The secret to passion is ""NOW"", N-NEED develop ourselves to align with trend of the world, O-Originality- it's only ME who has it and W-Want. ( We love/want to do it)"
"The secret to passion is ""NOW"", N-NEED develop ourselves to align with tr...
What is "KLAO?" (Adaptation), why do we need it?
"The journey of University students in Thailand who want to create impacts for our society. This inspirational vdo proves how to improve themselves. "
"The journey of University students in Thailand who want to create impacts fo...
(English) 15 Tips for Instilling Leadership Skills in Chi...
15 Tips for Instilling Leadership Skills in Children
15 Tips for Instilling Leadership Skills in Children
(English) Learning with happiness | Jon Jandai | TEDxChia...
Thai education system prevents children from actual learning, using their imagination, and being creative. Thai children are transformed into robots that aimlessly join the economic system. Jon proposes raising children through home schooling and self-learning and for Parents, Teacher to spend more quality time with their children.
Thai education system prevents children from actual learning, using their ima...
(English) " Leadership and effective collaboration."
Animated Story- Working as team is better than alone.
Animated Story- Working as team is better than alone.
Leadership and effective collaboration.
Animated Story- Working as team is better than alone.
Animated Story- Working as team is better than alone.
Information Technology
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Microsoft Learn (Tech Skills)
Microsoft Learn is a free, online training platform that provides interactive learning for Microsoft products and more. Our goal is to help you become proficient on our technologies and learn more skills with fun, guided, hands-on, interactive content that is specific to your role and goals.
Microsoft Learn is a free, online training platform that provides interactive...
Microsoft Digital Literacy Course
Learn how to effectively use devices, software, and the internet to collaborate with others and discover, use, and create information.
Learn how to effectively use devices, software, and the internet to collabora...
Bits and Brick-Game Coding for Direction.
Learn how to code by using the most favorable toys for KIDS-Lego.
Learn how to code by using the most favorable toys for KIDS-Lego.
Coding for the future
Why ICT skill is important? To create innovation excercising your creativity.
Why ICT skill is important? To create innovation excercising your creativity.
Scratch JR Application for Coding
Easy Application to learn how to create story using code.
Easy Application to learn how to create story using code.
(English) Can we work online if you do not have good ICT ...
No matter how old you are, you can start doing business online even though you are not good at ICT skills.
No matter how old you are, you can start doing business online even though yo...
Design Thinking/Critical Thinking
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Design thinking-Summary Version.
Good idea comes from 3 attitudes- Brave to ask questions, Thinking outside the box and Take action -stop discussing/fail fast-rethink and react again.-
Good idea comes from 3 attitudes- Brave to ask questions, Thinking outside th...
The art of logical design.
Design is one type of language. Power of design language is telling quaitification of products. Imagination can become reality with added value design.
Design is one type of language. Power of design language is telling quaitific...
The power of 'nonsense' thinking and creativity
"We can't force creativity. However, nonsense thought is the easiest way to start an imagination. Try to see all problems as an opportunity to create/solve any problem using nonsensthought is the way to creativity. Don't be afraid to share your thought or ask questions."
"We can't force creativity. However, nonsense thought is the easiest way to s...
(English) Unlock Creative Confidence - Tom Kelley (TH/ENG)
7 ways to boost your thinking skills: Use your Creative Muscle, Understand Customer needs, Act youself as alien and etc.
7 ways to boost your thinking skills: Use your Creative Muscle, Understand Cu...
(English) 5 strategies to boost your critical thinking sk...
5 steps to think before you choose: 1.Formulate question 2.Gather information 3.Apply the information 4. Consider the implications 5. Explore others point of views
5 steps to think before you choose: 1.Formulate question 2.Gather information...
(English) The Design Thinking Process
Design Thinking is a 5-step process to come up with meaningful ideas that solve real problems for a particular group of people.
Design Thinking is a 5-step process to come up with meaningful ideas that sol...
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One sentence which helps you close the deal
"I don't know" somehow is a golden sentence which can help you close the deal by asking more information from customers in order to sell them direct to the point that they actually want.
"I don't know" somehow is a golden sentence which can help you close the deal...
How to close all deals
To agree with customers is one way of convincing them to purchase our products wisely. Customers always buy products which they believe it useful for them. They normally ask for either more time or information which means they don't trust our products, sales or company yet. Therefore the secret to close the deal is that we must have knowledge in our products.
To agree with customers is one way of convincing them to purchase our product...
(English) 3 techniques to boost confidence| Think Audio
3 techniques to boost confidence| Think Audio
3 techniques to boost confidence| Think Audio
Presentation technique for shy person
Practices make perfect for everything including presentation and speaking skill.
Practices make perfect for everything including presentation and speaking skill.
From shy person to a person who has confidence
Tell yourself to be brave, you will have more confidence.
Tell yourself to be brave, you will have more confidence.
(English) 4 techniques changing the shy person to the ext...
4 techniques changing the shy person to the extrovert one
4 techniques changing the shy person to the extrovert one
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LinkedIn Learning Course
Learn relevant skills for jobs in-demand. The free 10 jobs were identified as having the greatest number of job openings, have had steady growth over the past four years, pay a livable wage, and require skills that can be learned online.
Learn relevant skills for jobs in-demand. The free 10 jobs were identified as...
(English) How to sell your product via facebook live by P...
How to sell your product via facebook live by Pimreepie?
How to sell your product via facebook live by Pimreepie?
(English) What business we can run in 2020?
1.Type the word "Google trend in Thailand" and find which products have the increasing trends of being searched by "Google" ex. Clean food
1.Type the word "Google trend in Thailand" and find which products have the i...
(English) How to create your sale page?
็How to create a sale page? 1. The first line of your page must be interesting-What will customers get from your product. 2. Bring your difference at the forefont of your page 3. Who is this product suitable for?(Avoid "Everyone") 4.Testimonial- Pick your own gimmic 5. Price-add your experience shows how worthwhile it is to pay for or if you pay for this course you will not have to spend your time gathering information by yourself 5.Deadline- Set the deadline of your promotion
็How to create a sale page? 1. The first line of your page must be interestin...
5 reasons for remaing poor
Only one who can make you rich is yourself. Money is important to our lives. Even it's not everything, it defenitely makes us happy.
Only one who can make you rich is yourself. Money is important to our lives. ...
How to create fast lane of rich track
For teenagers, try to find the way to earn money by yourself as fast as possible. Keep in mind that you should earn moeny from the results and work that you do not by the time that you spend.
For teenagers, try to find the way to earn money by yourself as fast as possi...
Financial Literacy
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Understand Key financial decisions and debt.
Understand Key financial decisions and debt.
(English) Understanding the philosophy of the Sufficiency...
Adopting the Sufficiency Economy philosophy in our routine and its basic concepts
Adopting the Sufficiency Economy philosophy in our routine and its basic co...
(English) " 40 Small Ways to Save Money"
4o Tips that help you save money from the activies which you might overlook. A new alternative way to save money or cut money spent on some activities.
4o Tips that help you save money from the activies which you might overlook. ...
(English) Saving money for the success(TH)
A Thai song which will help students why they have to save money.
A Thai song which will help students why they have to save money.
(English) Financial Planning for Kids!
How to teach children to have financial plan and understand interest rate?
How to teach children to have financial plan and understand interest rate?
(English) " Steps for Money Management and Financial Plan...
A healthy financial future isn’t about how much money you make – it’s about how you manage and plan. Learn about financial planning and money management techniques to help get your finances in order, no matter your income
A healthy financial future isn’t about how much money you make – it’s about h...
Mindfulness and Meditation
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(English) What is happiness why should we keep smiling in...
What is happiness? How can we separate "happiness" from fun? What is the happiness in your mind?
What is happiness? How can we separate "happiness" from fun? What is the hap...
(English) Breath Meditation for Kids
A calming breath meditation designed to introduce kids to mindfulness. Kids imagine a sail boat rising and falling over waves as they inhale and exhale. They use mental imagery to see their breath as color as they observe the sensation of it passing through the nostrils.
A calming breath meditation designed to introduce kids to mindfulness. Kids ...