Related Project Materials
Download the leaflets on the Mobile Literacy for Out-of-School Children project and LearnBig app here:
LearnBig App Promote
The multi-language platform “LearnBig” was developed as part of the UNESCO Bangkok’s initiative “Mobile Literacy for Out-of-School Children” supported by Microsoft, True Corporation and the Ministry of Education, Thailand.
From out of school to ‘miracle’ student: ICT breaks barriers for migrant learner
Chit Ko is a 13-year-old Burmese migrant who, just two years ago, seemed destined to join the millions of out-of-school children in Southeast Asia. His parents were struggling to make a living after settling in Mae Sot along the Thai-Myanmar border and they wanted Chit Ko to leave school and start work.
Migrant orphans find a home and hope at Thai-Myanmar border
More than a decade ago, a Myanmar couple opened a home and their hearts to abandoned and orphaned children, many of them migrants, in Mae Sot, Thailand.
UNESCO Bangkok visited the orphanage recently and found smiles, songs, and hope for a better future through education.
UNESCO : Mobile Literacy for Out of School Children
The multi-language platform “LearnBig” was developed as part of the UNESCO Bangkok’s initiative “Mobile Literacy for Out-of-School Children” supported by Microsoft, True Corporation and the Ministry of Education, Thailand.
Useful Links
For more useful resources, please visit the websites below:
- UNESCO Bangkok
- Flexible Learning Strategies for Out-of-School Children and Youth
- LearnBig Channel
- TruePlookpanya
- TruePlookpanya Channel
- True Click Life
- Distance Learning Information Technology
- DLIT Classroom
- DLIT Resources
- CHA-CHING Youtube Channel
- CHA-CHING Website
- Khan Academy
- Khan Academy (Thai language)